The style for my experimental video is going to be a moving painting due to the still shots that I will use throughout both shots as I would like to focus my project on the TV the person being filmed and the colors enveloping the background. The core idea behind my piece of video art revolves around the idea of color reflecting our emotion and I intend to use this idea as a tool for a larger concept. The larger idea within my video is how media and television for example can spread messages and or brain wash viewers into thinking or acting in a certain way, this is reflected in the empty screened TV raised above the person showing it to be dominant or in control. All the while the viewer acts according to what the television desires. The only affects that will be used within my video are the lowering of sound for the backing noise as well as some fade on text as I feel the video does not to be over edited. In terms of visual codes the colours will be purposefully used to portray emotion and as well as this the blank TV is a common used visual code when referring to something such as technological and or media control especially within the later 20th century and even until now. The soundtrack that I intend to use within my video will consist of a beep type of noise for when the TV turns off signifying the end of the entire brainwashing or control that the media/ TV has over that person, as well as this I also intend to have a static sound in the background audio to signify that the person witnessing this entire charade is deafened as to what is actually around them. The demographic of my target audience are typically young, under the age of 35. They tend to be highly educated and live within more urban areas, as well as this a higher than average portion are from a black or minority, trends have been found within the audience that I’m targeting inferring that they enjoy travelling, they are more engaged in the arts, seek new experiences and also tend to be young, affluent, confident and sociable.