At the ending of our lesson on dystopia today, Faye tasked us to get into groups of either three or four and in our groups we took a post it note from the board, from this we had to then plan a presentation based off of the given questions as well as create a handout for the class to have, due to the way that the term has fallen this might actually be difficult to do as we are going to have to communicate properly as a group for the two weeks we have off and still create and present our idea for when we get back. Overall i do think this wont be too difficult due to the length of time we have off to do it. Other than that my notes are up to date and my blog post for my theory is done so that all I have left to do is work on my presentation and other projects.
As well as this we have also had to catch up on some old theory and learn some new theories about dystopian worlds for our essay that is coming up within a couple of weeks, because of this I intend to check out some dystopian films over the strike in order to get familiar with the genre.